Welcome to Overlord Games. 

Welcome to Overlord Games. We are an independent online retailer who opened in March 2023 to sell wargaming products. We offer a variety of products with major discounts from the RRP. We're based in the UK but now offer shipping to EU.

We understand that you must be careful when shopping online. Rest assured, you can feel safe at Overlord Games. We have over 800 positive reviews on Ebay and are slowly building up our reviews on Google. Google Overlord Games to find us!

We are well known for our brilliant customer service on our online store. Any questions you have will be answered promptly to find a solution to your query.

You may have already bought from us on Ebay without even realising. Don't forget to check our Ebay (https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/overlordgamesstore)